The use of teen stars throughout the contents page, relates to the target audince as the target audince are young girls, usually between the age of 10-14. This relates to the target audience as they are images of people that they would recognise, therefore they feel like they can relate to the magazine as they know these people, which makes them want to buy the magazine.
There is a colour scheme of; pink, blue,white and black. This helps to estalish the house style. Also, the use of bright colours relates to the target audience, as as sterotype of young females is that they like bright colours. Therefore, this magazine supports this sterotype.
The use of the close up shots, allows the taregt audicne to feel the emotion behind th picture, as a close up shot is seen as a quite personal shot which can capture the persons emotions.
The magazine follows an ordered layout, until it gets to the bottom of the page where there is a banner present with images, this is when it begins to be a cluttered layout. An ordered layout is a layout which is dominated by invisable lines. Inparticular, images are neatly within their boxes, and do not overlap. However, at the bottom of the page it is an cluttered layout, as they images begin to overlap and break out of their boxes. This demonstrates that the magazine is fully of excitment, energy and buyness. Which relate to the target audince, as young teenage girls are often full of excitment.
The use of the pronoun 'we' elimates the idea of audience exclusivity, as it miakes it feel like everyone is included, and doesn't exclude people based on factors such as what genre of music they like. This therefore makes the target audince feel as if they are important to the magazine , and as if anyone is welcomed to read the magazine, which adds to the brand indentiy, as well as the brand ethos.