The use of this symbol in the word 'song' adds the element of rock as stars are often associted with rock music. Also, it it has a similar design to the boarder which means that it adds a theme to the double page. Futhermore, it is also eye catching as it stands out from the rest of the font. Lastly, the 'stars' adds the element of rock because stars are often associted with rock music.
There is also dropcaps, to start the article. Which is at the beginning of all articles, therefore making it a convention of a music magazine. Therefore, the target audicne are aware that this is where the article begins.
The use of the border flowerery print on the edges of each page on the magazine, is part of the design elemant, as it adds content and features to the magazine.
There are also lines sperating the columns in the article. Which makes the content easier to read, as the words are more spread out and organised.
"Black veil brides' in the top right, therefore the artist is always promoted in the magazine, as part of the page element/ design.
Some words are in bold, which makes them stand out a little. Such as the name of the band and the name of the people in the band. Therefore the target audience will always know who the article and the double page spread is about .