The title of the magazine is big and bold. This could reflect how the target audience are seen as people who aren't afraid to stand out from the crowd, as they are very confident people, who are almost seen as fearless. Also the title is presented at the top of page, therefore it is one of the first things you see because of its postioning. This promotes the brand and establishes brand indentity.
A design feature of the magazine is that it makes the cover story stand out by making it seprate from all the rest of the features stories, which is an element of design feature. This therefore highlights the importants of the article, and maybe highlights that the most important thing that the target audince is looking for, therefore making it easier for them to find, by drawing their attenion to it immediately, making them want to pick up and maybe even buy the magaizne.
The image is of a man looking directly into the camera, this connotes the image is appealing directly to the target audience as it looks like the image is looking directly into the target audience, and appealing to their inner emotions and them personally.
There is a clear colour scheme of yellow and black used throughout the magazine. This is an aspect of the house style, which means if you turned to any page of the magazine, you would be able to know what it is vibe magazine that you are reading. However, in the main image, the prominate colour is red, this therefore makes the image stand out, and siginifies its importance to the magazine,
The contents page fits into standard ratio which states that; images, text and space on a magazine is roughly a third. It also has a assymetircal layout which is a lack of balanced amount of copy and images around the main image.This implies that the magazine is very dymnamic and interesting, therefore appealing to the target audience. Lastly, it has a ordered layout which is when the layout is domiated by invisble lines. The text is arrnaged in columns, and images are neatly within their boxes surrounding the main image. This has connotations of order, formality and tradition meaning that it follows the conventions of an heavy metal/ rock music magazine.