Who would be the audience of my media product?
Understanding the dynamics of tribal UK is essential for brands who wish to engage and, vitally, become part of the conversation. One small aspect of this project looked at youth culture and offered a tribal breakdown based on the social glues (music, sport, fashion, technology etc), as youth do not make a big enough income to be classed into socio-economic class. UK tribes used both Qualitative techniques: eg desk research and dept interviews as well as quantitative data such as only surveys and online media. The research techniques have been, producing rich, powerful, colourful content such as interactive graphs and charts to bring the quantitative data to life. UK Tribes used a mix of qualitiative data (such as desk research) and quantative data ('Find your Tribe'). The current count stands at 25 tribes and five planning segment, but that’s sure to change. Identifying new tribes and noting new trends and changing behaviour among existing tribes.
Furthermore, here is some more imformation about my target audince that I have gathered.
What they listen to:
Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Rhianna, Justin Bieber, Alicia Keys.
Where they shop
H&M, Adidas, Nike, New Look, Calvin Klein, Zara
What they read.
Thillers books, crime books, XXL magazine, Vibe magazine,
What they do in their spare time
Eat, sleep, party, socilaise, watch tv and movies
How much time do they spend on social media
4+ hours from Monday to Thursday and 6+ hours from Friday to Sunday
What they like to watch
Movies such as straight out of cromptoon, action movies, netflix series such as how to get away with murder, Pretty little liars and prisoner break.
What festivals do they do to?
Wireless, Glastonbury festival, download festival, T in the Park, nottingham carnival
Furthermore, my target audience's consumer personality type is 'aspires' as they tend to spend more many than they have, due to the fact that they want money and status. This image might be due to the prolifearation of the RnB industy. As the icongraphy often includes a lot of Jewelry and 'flashy' cars. This might be while my target audince aspire to spend more money then have to fit into the conventions of RnB industry.